Evening Gratitude Affirmation Prayers

kindness-fms-memeKindness begins with Self; when we show loving kindness to ourselves we in turn see and do the same for others. With all things, kindness begins with a thought; thoughts are powerful, creating energy.

I don’t consider myself to be a religious person. But, I do acknowledge the power of prayer, or expressing and surrendering our intentions and/or need of assistance. Before going to sleep tonight craft an affirming, gratitude filled Affirmation Prayer specific to you, your needs, your desires and YOUR life to nourish your Soul.

Consider including positive, present and forward statements about:
+ Your physical, spiritual and emotional health and well-being;
+ Your home, work, family and social lives;
+ Your education, development, goals and dreams.

End each powerful, affirming statement with both thanks and why this statement is a positive, loving and abundance bringing aspect in YOUR life- you can create as many of these as you want and need!

Then, willingly release these healthy, self-love intentions to your God(s), Source, the Universe, cosmos, your Angels, Higher Self and/or Guides to be blessed, sustained and activated.

Amen. So shall it be. And, so it is!

Melanie Christian Writes blog posts are short stories, sharings about writing and editing and inspired personal growth tips acquired for Writer-Editor, Melanie Christian

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